Sunday, January 30, 2011

And finally....

The end of my cooking spree...baked a cake for the hubby's birthday. Had a friend drive me to the grocery store to buy the mix while he was at work. I tried to make it super festive, with bright colors and fun candles. It was a chocolate cake with chocolate fudge frosting...but the candles were so thin that when I poked them into the cake an hour after it came out of the oven, they started melting and tipping over. I gave up, pulled them out and stuck the cake in the fridge for a bit. We had dinner and then I surprised him with the cake....but the candles decided to be troublesome again. Since they weren't straight candles, the wax dripped onto the cake. Not usually a problem, just scrape off the wax drops, right? but some dumb girl decided to cover the cake with candy dots--the same color as the wax. Oh, I have much to learn in the kitchen....

Fortunately the birthday boy still liked it...

T-Day dinner

And for Thanksgiving....turkey
served with spinach casserole, stuffing, mashed yams, potatoes, and roasted garlic, rolls, and cranberry sauce.

She Can cook! Shhhh....

Had a day off when Shubham didn't...decided to have dinner ready for him when he came home (how domestic of me). Lasagna, asparagus, bread with olive oil and balsamic for dipping. We should probably invest in some candles/candle holders at some point. Or not...since this is NOT a regular thing. ;)

Just another November snowstorm....

Picking up from when Shubhs left for UT.....

I decided to do some exploring while he was gone so I didn't get too lonely. On mom's birthday I went to the Como Zoo and Conservatory--it's free, with a suggested $2 donation. It's a small zoo, but I still made a lot of friends.

They even had the old mold-a-rama machines in operation! Missing Grandma Ellen...

And the conservatory made it feel like a tropical vacation. All in all a nice day, esp since it was followed up with a Skype conversation with everyone in UT. :)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Explain to me how this is fair!?

Yesterday it was 9 degrees, but with the wind chill it felt like -4 (according to
Needless to say, I have started to wear my full length down coat.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Gondola! Gondola! Gondola!!!

When you have none of your good halloween stuff, and you're not willing to spend money for crappy costumes, this is what you get.

Went to a Halloween open house friday the 29th. The entire garage was covered in halloween stuff, the woman even painted her garage wall so it looked like a stone dungeon. She had a faux guillotine on her lawn, and she had an old fashion beauty chair--the kind with the hair dryer built in--wrapped with blinking lights so it looked like an electric chair.