Pics of us at our favorite hotel, Premier First Class. We managed to brave it, but had to take turns turning the hot water timer for each other when showering since it was outside of the bathroom.
So as many of you already know, I am without internet at home and have been since Jan 13th. We had a fire and it burned all the cables (see letter--or not, it won't upload right now). We had to stay the first night at the school, sleeping on benches and wherever else we could find. They gave us blankets and that was it. The next night Danielle and I grabbed a hotel because it was too cold the previous night and we were too tired to stay awake for classes. Fortunately they let us back in the 3rd night. And then I caught tonsilitis or a severe case of strep or something, couldn't eat for 4 days my throat was so swollen. Never walk around outside when there is snow on the ground and your hair is wet after you've inhaled smoke and your throat is already vulnerable. :D
Anyway, things are coming along well. Had my Real Estate midterm, my quantitative methods final, and my corporate finance midterm will be next Tuesday. Classes are much more interesting this term. Going to Italy next week....that's all the news I have! Love you guys!